Breastfeeding after a Breast Lift: What You Need to Know

Breastfeeding is a rite of passage that many new mothers wish to do. At the same time, there is virtually no way to make it through pregnancy and breastfeeding without some degree of physical change to the breasts. In cases where the breasts are left deflated and saggy by motherhood, a woman may choose to undergo some type of breast augmentation. The results of breast augmentation with breast implants can be quite remarkable. However, extreme sagging requires the precision repositioning of breast tissue, as well as implant insertion or as an alternative to that technique.

What Is a Breast Lift?

Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is a technique that repositions the breasts by removing superficial tissue and skin, not actual breast tissue, as would happen in a breast reduction. The objective of mastopexy is to restore height to the breasts so they sit higher on the chest wall. By reinstating height, the breasts also appear fuller and rounder, though not as much as they would with breast implants. During a breast lift, the surgeon accesses fatty breast tissue through one of two common types of incision (which is right for you will be discussed during your consultation). The nipple does get repositioned but remains connected to surrounding tissue throughout the procedure to ensure adequate blood flow for healing. The underlying nerves and ducts are handled carefully to preserve functionality.

Factors that may Affect Breastfeeding

As careful as a surgeon is to manage tissue during breast lift surgery, there are factors that could degrade future breastfeeding.

Possible Loss of Function

It is possible for most women to breastfeed after a breast lift. However, their experience may be different than it was prior to surgery. Some women find that their lactation function is decreased after their breast procedure. There is no way to predict the quality of milk production before or after surgery, only when breastfeeding is attempted.

Nipple Sensation

The sensation on and around the nipple almost always declines after any breast procedure. It may take up to five years for full sensation to return. Therefore, if a woman wishes to breastfeed within this time frame after a breast lift or another breast surgery, her body may not cooperate. Nipple sensation triggers the hormone receptors in the body which prompt milk production. Without adequate sensation, the neurohormonal reflex is blunted.

Ultimately, the choice about surgery timing is up to every individual patient. We are here to provide the necessary information and the spectrum of care each patient needs to make a confident decision about her appearance and lifestyle. To learn more about breast lift surgery, call our San Antonio office at 210-227-3223.

Posted in: Breast Lift

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