Breast Implant Remove and Replace Patient 3
Individual results may vary.
Case ID: 1614


Oblique Right:
Oblique Left:
Description: Madeline from Fredericksburg, Texas came to Dr. Eric Schaffer hoping that he could repair her bad breast augmentation from a surgeon in Orlando, FL ten years ago. She mentioned to Dr. Schaffer that she was never really happy with the appearance of her breasts and overtime they had become unattractive, hard and very painful. Dr. Schaffer removed and replaced the old, capsulated implants with 375cc saline implants filled to 425cc. Now, Madeline is much happier with her more natural appearance and more comfortable breasts.
Patient Age: 43
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 130
Gender: Female
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 130
Gender: Female
Implant Size (Left): 375
Implant Size (Right): 425
Cup Size Before: 34DD
Cup Size After: 36D
Implant Size (Right): 425
Cup Size Before: 34DD
Cup Size After: 36D