Plastic Surgery Photo Gallery San Antonio

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Breast Augmentation Patient 8

November 9, 2018

Description:  Patient is 27 years old, 5’1″, and 116 pounds.  Mentor smooth round moderate plus profile saline implants filled to 400 cc using the transaxillary incision.

Breast Implants Remove And Replace Patient 8

September 27, 2018

Description:  Patient is 63 years old, 5’6″ and 140 pounds. 10 years ago the patient had a breast lift and implant exchange with another plastic surgeon.   She consulted Dr. Eric Schaffer because her implants felt like hard little rocks and the breast were very uneven. Bilateral removal of saline implants, capsulotomy and replacement with Mentor… Read More »

Tummy Tuck Patient 39

Description:  Patient is 32 years old,  5’0″ and 135 pounds.  Tummy tuck procedure performed with an umbilical hernia repair at the same time.

Tummy Tuck Patient 38

Description:  Patient is 49 years old, 5’6″ and 153 pounds and with diet and exercise lost over 100 pounds.  Patient consulted with Dr. Eric Schaffer to have a tummy tuck to remove the excessive skin and tighten the abdominal muscles.

Tummy Tuck Patient 37

September 25, 2018

Description:  Patient is 5’4″, 210 pounds and a college student and suffers from depression due to her physical appearance.  Dr. Eric Schaffer performed a Tummy Tuck which removed over 10.5  pounds giving her a much needed boost to her self-esteem.

Arm Lift / Brachioplasty Patient 8

Description:  Patient is 55 years old  and was unable to use his arms after an accident which resulted in loss of muscle mass and excessive skin.  He consulted Dr. Eric Schaffer to perform an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) to contour his arms.

Gynecomastia Patient 9

September 14, 2018

Description:  Patient is 19 years old, 6’3″, 173 pounds.  He lost over 100 pounds by diet and exercise and is unhappy with his saggy breasts.  Male Breast Reduction with nipple grafting was performed.

Tummy Tuck Patient 36

September 12, 2018

Description:  Patient is 38 years old, 5’4″, 135 pounds and has had 6 children.  Tummy tuck abdominoplasty was performed to remove the excess skin and tighten the muscles in the abdomen.

Browlift Patient 4

Description:  Patient is 62 years old and wanted to look awake and refreshed for a special event coming up.  Dr. Eric Schaffer recommended a Browlift procedure to lift her eyelids and open up her beautiful eyes.

Liposuction for Men Patient 4

Description:  Patient is 36 years old, 5’9″, 175 pounds.  He had lost some weight but was unhappy with his stomach pouching out and consulted  Dr. Eric Schaffer for liposuction of the abdomen and hip areas.

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