Tummy Tuck Patient 4
Individual results may vary.
Case ID: 2610Front:
Oblique Right:
Oblique Left:
Description: Sidney is an active 41 year old stay at home mother of 2 in Boerne, Texas. Sidney’s children were both delivered by C section and she was interested in combining a Tummy Tuck procedure with a Breast Augmentation, also known as Mommy Makeover. She researched the internet for a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and found Dr. Schaffer. She was very impressed with all of his testimonials from previous patients. Sidney than set up a consultation with Dr. Schaffer to discuss the procedures one on one with him and to have all of her questions answered. They decided on the treatment plan of Saline implants combined with a Mini Tummy Tuck procedure. Mentor smooth round moderate profile implants of 425 cc filled to 475 cc were placed using the hidden armpit incision. Sidney is in love with her new body.
Gender: Female